Kickin’ It On The Creek 2018 – Friday Edition
Kickin’ On The Creek is one of the most difficult festivals that I have ever been asked to describe. Why you ask? Thank goodness! I wasn’t sure how to move forward. So I’ll start here, family. The Roberts family has turned their beautiful homestead into a music venue. Wait, what? No seriously. Hear me out. Deep in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, part of the Daniel Boone Forest, technically in Lee County, Byron Roberts and his family have seriously turned their home into a music venue. What seems impossible is actually flat-out magical. Give me another example of such selflessness. I’ll wait…..You have nothing? That’s what I thought. The…
Top 20 Must-See Kentucky Artists At Kickin’ It On The Creek 2018
Kickin’ It On The Creek (KIOTC) has quickly grown into the absolute MUST have ticket for Kentucky Festivals. The four-day event held deep in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains has drawn in like-minded folks who have banded together to create a beautiful, helpful, loving community. There’s even a common phrase used by those in the musical community and it’s eloquent in its simplicity, “Know Your Tribe.” I can say first hand that once you are accepted within the “tribe”, your faith in humanity will get a huge jolt in the restoration department. Now I’ve heard a million stories about how magical KIOTC is. How it is all about community…