Interviews,  Music

Q+A: Jeremy Pinnell Talks All Things ‘Goodbye L.A.’ And More. Catch Him At Laurel Cove On 8/7 With Arlo McKinley

There are some amazing artists here in Kentucky that never seem to get the attention they deserve. Jeremy Pinnell sits at the very top of that list for me. You will never find a more honest artist. Even if that honesty doesn’t show himself in the best light, he’s going to let the light shine. For me, that’s a truly rare gift, and one that has consistently drawn me to Jeremy Pinnell’s music. So when the opportunity arose to interview Jeremy, I had to make it happen. I hope you enjoy!

Capture Kentucky (CKY): We’ll start by discussing the big news that your new album, ‘Goodbye L.A.,’ drops on October 1st. In your own words, what should the fans expect with this release?

Jeremy Pinnell (JP): I’m excited for people to hear “Goodbye LA” I don’t know what the fans should expect. I guess they’ll come to their own conclusions.

CKY: Fair enough. So far the only single we have is “Wanna Do Something.” I’m definitely a fan. So let’s talk about the music video for a bit. I really enjoy the cinematic quality of it, tell us a bit about who ya worked with and if you enjoyed the process. Videos always seem to be a love or hate relationship with absolutely no grey area.

JP: We worked with a buddy of mine Brandon Weaver from Iron Wing Studios out of Newport Ky. It was our first attempt at something like this and there’s always things you’d change but we were pretty happy with the outcome. I wanted an endless lonely feeling and I think Brandon did that. 

CKY: Mission Acomplished. I gotta ask about the Skylark in the video. My first car was a Buick (’83 Regal), so they always snag my attention. Is that your Skylark, and if so, do you consider yourself a gearhead?

JP: It was not my Skylark and I did turn wrenches when I was younger but I don’t have time to spend underneath a vehicle at this point in my life. There’s too many other things I’d rather do. 

CKY:  I definitely understand that. This release will also be on Sofaburn Records. The label is based here in Kentucky and has been your home for some time now. It seems artists jump around on different labels all the time anymore, what makes the working relationship you have with Sofaburn so special?

JP: Sofaburn Records has been consistent in wanting to help me and when the pandemic hit they doubled down and not many labels we’re doing that for their artists. Sofaburn are my friends and in the music business you stick with your friends. 

CKY: Amen. I just covered the Laurel Cove Music Festival in Pineville. You’ll be playing a show at Laurel Cove on August 7th, and I’m hoping to be there myself. Have you seen the venue by chance? It’s one of the coolest venues you could ever hope to see.

JP: I’ve never been to Laurel Cove.

CKY: It’s stunning and the bullfrog and crickets make for a beautiful choir. You’re gonna fall in love with that place, and especially the folks behind the scenes.

It just so happens, that you’re sharing the bill with an old friend in Mr. Arlo McKinley there. You guys go way back. You were even in a band together at one point. I know every show is important, but I’d imagine this one holds a special spot in your heart.

CKY: Should we be expecting any surprises on August 7th? 

JP: Arlo and I have been friends for a very long time. Over 20 years. We were in a band together that both of us would agree was very special to us. 

CKY: Should we be expecting any surprises on August 7th? 

JP: I’m not sure. We do sound good together. 

Pick up your tickets here.

CKY: I like it. We’ll just have to wait and see. With a new album, that means a new tour is inevitably on the way. When can fans expect news on that front?

JP: There’s definitely gonna be some touring and we can’t wait to get back on the road. We hope to expect some announcements soon. 

CKY: Let’s switch gears a bit. I asked some of my readers if they had any questions for you, and I chose a couple for you today.

Zoe Wally is up first.

“I’ve heard him sing/play with a few different bands performing different styles of music and he has mastered them all… What is his favorite genre? And what is his favorite song to perform?”

JP: My favorite genre is probably country music. It’s pretty honest and covers a lot of bases for me. I’ve always enjoy playing “Light Me Up” off my first record “OH/KY”. 

CKY: Rob McAllister asks, “Who crowned him the Pancake King of Northern Kentucky?”

JP: I am the undisputed pancake king of NKY and no one will ever take the crown. 

CKY: I’ve done hundreds of interviews over time and I have a tradition where I end on a random question. So here goes yours; you can choose any artist in history to sit down and write a song with, who do you choose and why?

JP: Probably Robert Johnson, I want to know. He sang about some dark things that I need to know about. 

CKY: Ohhhhh, that’s an answer I wasn’t expecting. Awesome!

We love Kentucky and her people around these parts, so I’m certain we’ll cross paths very soon. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. I’m looking forward to hearing ‘Goodbye L.A.’ and hopefully I’ll get ya in front of my lens on August 7th.