A Kentucky Exclusive! Josh Mitcham (Jericho Woods) Is About To Unleash His First Solo Album And You Can Hear It Here First!
If you’ve followed this site at all, you’ve seen the name of Josh Mitcham pop-up several times. As the voice of Jericho Woods, Josh has lent his talents to several shows that we’ve hosted. Jericho Woods were a part of our inaugural Cinder & Smoke, they were also part of our recent Nashville Takeover show. And if you were in attendance at the absolutely amazing Creedence Clearwater Revival show, you saw Josh perform “Green River.”
This is the second premiere in two days that we’ve been lucky enough to bring to you exclusively. Kentucky is where it’s at and these opportunities are one of the biggest honor that I could ever receive.
As Capture Kentucky has grown, so too has my fondness of Josh as a Kentuckian. Not only is he a talented musician, but he is also a tremendous artist. He is a successful painter and owns his own studio called BigHead Studios. He is a former high school agriculture teacher, but has spent the last five years pursuing art and music full-time. Josh is a devoted husband and father, and he still resides in his grandparents’ house on the family farm in Webster, Kentucky.
If that ain’t Kentucky enough for ya, I don’t know what is.
Jericho Woods – “Better Now” (Official Music Video):
Venturing into somewhat darker territory at times, this solo record has plenty of hooks, but for me, you get to know Josh more as an individual than when he’s fronting Jericho Woods. That is 100% not a knock on JW. I love those folks, but this release is more intimate and personal and I truly enjoy it just because of that.
My personal favorite track is, “Buzzards Flying Over Town,” followed closely by “Pushover.” If you’re like me and are from a small town that has seen its glory days pass them by, you’ll relate really well to “Buzzards Flying Over Town.” With “Pushover”, Josh takes a minimalistic approach and is accompanied by an atmospheric, spacey sounding electric guitar that allows for Josh to deliver the biggest hook on the album, at least in my humble opinion. Then, the rest of the band joins in for a trippy outro and it is absolutely wonderful. You’ve been warned though, when Josh hits the gas on the chorus, ya better be wearing a seatbelt because it’s absolutely fantastic.
You can celebrate with Josh on Sunday at Country Boy Brewing in Georgetown!
Folks will definitely be drawn to “Willie Nelson”, but in all honesty, Josh could sing the phone book (Do they still print those?) and I’d be down to give it a listen.
Look, just trust me. Josh is a true Kentucky treasure and if you give this album a listen, I’d bet a dollar to a donut that you’ll find something you enjoy. So go on, give it a listen!!
With the continued success of Jericho Woods, why release a solo record?
“While Jericho Woods has had a record finished for almost a year, and since we’re awaiting its release, I simply grew restless. I had a bunch of songs and Jericho Woods already had a full album finished, so I decided to just cut a solo record for the sake of doing the work and keeping my sanity! Lol. I had a few of the JW folks play on it (Paul, Anna, and Aaryn) as well as some other folks. My two oldest children contributed as well! Which was an absolutely priceless thing for me. I recorded the album at La La Land Studio in Louisville.”
“I will say that the real catalyst for this record was just a desire to try to record the songs in my head just as I was hearing them, without influence. It was a fun project and I am very proud of it, whether I ever sell the first one!”
Go listen. Seriously. I promise ya that you’re gonna enjoy it!